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Autor Tema: AFS VR 300 f/2.8G vs 300 f/2.8D II  (Leído 2921 veces)

Desconectado K

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AFS VR 300 f/2.8G vs 300 f/2.8D II
« en: Junio 05, 2006, 23:26:54 »
Pues es omismo ando mirando un cacharo de estos y tengo mis dudas sobre todo por que los precios que he visto es + barato el VR y eso es algo que me choca.

Agradezco cualquier opinion acerca de estos cristales, si aleguien los ha probado o tiene la suerte de tener alguno de ellos, también agrecedia alguna recomendacion de donde comparar precios y/o comprar.

Un saludo y gracias.

300 f/2.8D II  http://www.europe-nikon.com/details.aspx?countryId=15&languageId=15&prodId=280&catId=125

AFS VR 300 f/2.8G http://www.europe-nikon.com/details.aspx?countryId=15&languageId=15&prodId=946&catId=125

Desconectado holy

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Re: AFS VR 300 f/2.8G vs 300 f/2.8D II
« Respuesta #1 en: Junio 06, 2006, 03:39:14 »
Cito a Bjorn Rorslett (si no lo conoces, es uno de los más expertos en equipo Nikon, pero su especialidad es la fotografía UV e IR):

"This lens is a logical next step in the evolution of the 300 mm lens range. Photographers have repeatedly been told VR is an absolute necessity and so it's only natural Nikon eventually "gave" them what the customers think they need. Not to say VR doesn't come in handy in practical photography, but I wouldn't call it an instrumental feature.

The 300 VR is nicely made and looks like a bigger brother of the new 200/2 VR. They share the same cockpit-like arrangement of control buttons. A near-focus limit to 2.2 m, very fast AF action, and VR that works (hand-held) enhance the practical scope of this lens. On the downside, the tripod support is definitively less than perfect and VR sometimes interferes with image sharpness when the lens is mounted on a quality tripod.

In the typical fashion for the new generation of high-end Nikkors, images are rendered with vividly saturated colours and high image contrast. Sharpness is good or excellent across the entire aperture range f/2.8 to f/22. Slight internal flare lowers contrast at f/2.8 and there is the unavoidable effects from diffraction at f/16 and f/22.

With VR switched on and using the lens hand-held, I managed to get quite sharp images at 1/10 sec. A pity then that the same 1/10 sec yielded unsharp images with the lens on a tripod, if VR was activated.

The 300VR worked well in conjunction with the TC-14E and TC-17E teleconverters. With the 1.4X TC, images were professionally sharp with the lens stopped down about 1 stop, with the longer 1.7X converter, you need to stop a little more in order to achieve truly sharp images.

The 300 VR sports a new Nikon invention in terms of its multi-coating technology, claimed to be made of "nano-crystals". I can vouch for its enhanced efficiency, thus ghosting is reduced to a minimum. Some slight flare still is evident when the lens is pointed directly towards the sun, but compared to other telephoto lenses, its rendition is remarkably superior in terms of flare and ghosting resistance.

Further shooting with this lens indicated it excels as far as bokeh is concerned, bringing it a giant step forward when comparison is made to the non-VR 300 AFS Nikkor."

Siento no tradurcirlo, no se me da demasiado bien.
« Última modificación: Junio 06, 2006, 03:39:53 por holy »

Desconectado K

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Re: AFS VR 300 f/2.8G vs 300 f/2.8D II
« Respuesta #2 en: Junio 09, 2006, 01:34:36 »
Gracias, aunque no he pillao mucho lo he traducido con el google "tipo indio" :engranando: :engranando: y bueno algo es algo :) :), se agradece la molestia.

Un saludo

Desconectado holy

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Re: AFS VR 300 f/2.8G vs 300 f/2.8D II
« Respuesta #3 en: Junio 09, 2006, 09:53:31 »
Espera, que te copio un texto del mismo personaje de la revista NikonPro:

"En términos de rendimiento óptico, es excelente; quizás incluso mejor que el modelo AF-S sin VR"
"Sus resultados en lo que se refiere al efecto bokeh son mucho mejores que los de sus predecesores. Los brillos casi nunca suponen un problema y el VR300 constituye una mejora importante sobre los objetivos anteriores. La resistencia a las imágenes fantasmas tambien es mucho mejor"

Espero que te sirva de más ayuda.
