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Autor Tema: DPP 1.6.1 ya disponible  (Leído 3299 veces)

Desconectado Ayrton

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DPP 1.6.1 ya disponible
« en: Marzo 28, 2005, 09:35:50 »
"Racing, competing, is in my blood, is part of me, is part of my life"

Desconectado raғa eѕpada

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DPP 1.6.1 ya disponible
« Respuesta #1 en: Marzo 28, 2005, 11:40:27 »
Este es nuestro Ayrton!!! :D :D :D

Gracias majete...

Los cambios y mejoras...

1. Changes in Digital Photo Professional 1.6.1 from the previous Digital Photo Professional 1.5.0/1.6.0 are as follows:
- The Copy Stamp Tool (to adjust images by copying and pasting some part of the image) was added.
- The Rename Tool (to change multiple file names at once) was added.
- Lines appeared in the bottom of images converted from RAW images taken with the following models when using Digital Photo Professional 1.5.0/1.6.0 on a Macintosh with dual processors or Hyper-Threading Technology. This problem has now been fixed.
- EOS D60
- EOS 10D
- EOS-1Ds Mark II
- Support was added for the EOS D60 and EOS Kiss Digital N / EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT / EOS 350D DIGITAL.
- The amount of time it takes for image thumbnails to appear has been reduced.

2. Changes from the Digital Photo Professionals 1.0.0 are as follows:
- An image-cropping tool was added.
- A simulation function for CMYK printing was added.
When you select a profile you want to use in your print in the [Preferences] dialog box, the image in Digital Photo Professional and the printed image will be displayed in colors based on the selected profiles. However, the profiles specified in this function will not be applied when Easy-Photo Print is used.
- It has become possible to transfer multiple images to any image-editing application with a single operation.
- In the main window Tree View Area, you can copy, locate, or delete the folders.
- In the RAW images adjustment tool palette, the tone curve has been changed to a log display.
- You can specify the printer profiles in [Color management] in the [Preferences] dialog box.
- When saving an image file, the image size can be specified in the [Save as] dialog box.
- When saving images in JPEG, you can specify the settings to embed the ICC profile in the image using the [Convert and save] dialog box.
(2-9) When saving images in TIFF, you can specify sharpness settings in the [Convert and save] dialog box.


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DPP 1.6.1 ya disponible
« Respuesta #2 en: Marzo 28, 2005, 12:16:52 »
:)  :)  :)

Desconectado david

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DPP 1.6.1 ya disponible
« Respuesta #3 en: Marzo 28, 2005, 14:19:39 »
Pues muchas gracias por la info, habrá que probarlo con la 300D

Un saludo :)