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Resolucion e impresion
« en: Febrero 28, 2008, 13:37:54 »

Estaba leyendo el articulo Understanding Resolution en Luminous Landscape. Es algo bastante basico y solo se necesita saber dividir para entenderlo.

Hay un trozo que no me cuadra y me gustaria saber en que me equivoco:

"There are some folks who haven't yet seen well-made high quality inkjet prints, and who therefore mistakenly believe that these somehow can't equal traditional chemical prints in terms of sharpness. It's worth noting that a 6 colour 1440 dpi inkjet printer (like the Epson 1270 / 1280 / 2000P Photo printers) when fed a 360 dpi output file, is capable of about 16 pixel per millimeter. This translates to 8 lp/mm — right in the high-end of the ballpark for meeting the limits of human vision's ability to discern maximum sharpness."

Los numeros no me cuadran: La epson de seis colores no deberia dar mas de 240 dpi (1440/6) (y entonces daria igual que la resolution ppi del output file fuera mayor), lo que son 9.45 puntos por milimetro (240/25.4). Entre dos da 4 o 5 pares de lineas por milimetro.
En que me equivoco??????



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